Commissioners Meeting Minutes 09/09/2003

Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol M. Connor

Meeting called to order at 8:20 AM by Chairman Bates.

Bill schedules signed as presented.

Service applications signed for:

1. 2038 Route 28
2. 144 Queen Anne Road
3. 160 Factory Road
4. 505 Long Pond Drive

Minutes of August 20, 2003: Danette Gonsalves made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by George Cavanaugh. Unanimous vote to approve.

The Board reviewed the abatement request for service #900. Our standby person was called out at 10:30 PM by the Harwich Police Dept. on August 21, 2003, for what appeared to be a water leak. When he arrived the owner had already shut the water off in the building. The problem was actually an overflow of the owner's septic system. This call generated a response from this department plus overtime pay for the responder, therefore a motion was made by Danette Gonsalves to deny the request for an abatement of the charges. The motion was seconded by George Cavanaugh. The Board voted unanimously to deny the abatement.

Harry McCafferty was present before the Board to explain a scenario of the Enterprise System that he and Geoff Weigman are studying to allow the Water Department to plan for the future in the best interest of both the Town of Harwich and for taxpayer services. It will also ascertain which assets belong to the Department and which belong to the Town. The Town would agree to provide certain benefits, such as the services of the Town Accountant, etc. and the Department would provide water to the Town buildings, and also fire protection. Land would belong to the Town, but would be under the jurisdiction of the Water Department. It was noted that in other towns the Water Department charges for water used by the different departments and for fire protection, and in exchange the towns charge for services rendered by the departments to the Water Department.

All excess income that is not committed to department use and capital improvements would be returned to the ratepayers. In the meantime, how is the money to be held? Dept of Revenue needs to provide guidance to the Town Accountant and to the Water Department. Per Wayne Melville, the tax rate cannot be set at this time due to the enabling legislature of the Water Department. Everyone needs to pay attention to any transitional year rules as well, and these rules need to be addressed with Kopelman & Paige. Mr. Melville will send a letter to them. The town needs to change the legislation of the Enabling Act, or go to an Enterprise Fund to straighten out the accounting issue. If the Enterprise Fund is created, the Water Department could keep a percentage of surplus money in a reserve fund, and certain amounts can be set aside for certain projects. Recap sheet has to be submitted to the Dept of Revenue per Mr. Melville, therefore this needs to be resolved as soon as possible. The Board will hold a workshop once a ruling from town counsel is received. Also, town counsel should review the article proposed for town meeting.

Per Wayne Melville, the Conservation Commission will be reviewing the town owned cranberry bog in the area of well #10 at a meeting in the near future. We will be advised of when that meeting will be.

Superintendent's report given by Mr. Wiegand.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 AM.

Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent

posted: 09/09/03