Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Town Administrator Wayne Melville, Secretary Carol Connor
The meeting was called to order at 8:21 AM by Chairman Bates.
Bill schedules were signed as presented.
Service Applications signed for:
1. 6 Lake Drive
2. 6 Station Avenue
3. 83 Chase Street
4. 9 Ruth Lane
5. 291 Queen Anne Road
Personnel action longevity forms signed for Bruce Cahoon, Barbara Sayers, and Carol Connor.
Discussion took place regarding the high water consumption at Stagg Chevrolet. There is going to be a hearing before the Comm. Of Massachusetts Appellate Tax Board on at 9:30 AM on Tuesday, July 29, 2003, in the Airport Conference Room at the Barnstable Municipal Airport to hear Mr. Stagg's appeal. The total amount of the water bill in dispute is $9,083.45. The Department has gone to the property to perform leak detection and found no apparent leaks. We also removed the water meter and had it tested by an independent lab. The meter tested to within 98% accurate. (The state average is 95%). Therefore, the meter is determined to have no problems. This account has a previous history of water spiking up to a large amount a few years ago, and no problems were found at that time either, therefore, it was determined to be usage from washing vehicles.
Minutes of 05/27/03 - George Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Donald Bates seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.
Environmental Partners - new source approvals for new water supply at well #10. This project will be ready for site exam and pump tests in the not too distant future. The contract was signed by the Commissioners.
Step Change - George Cavanaugh made a motion to move Superintendent Wiegand from step 5 up to step 6. Donald Bates seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.
Discussion regarding proposed Enterprise Fund. A dialog with other Boards and Committees should start right away. The possibility of changing to a District should also be explored, even though it will require legislation. The Board would like to meet with other towns that have an Enterprise Fund or a District to discuss the pros and cons further so as to gain as much information as possible. If it is determined to go to a District, Wayne Melville stated he would have a hand in getting the necessary legislation passed.
A discussion was also held regarding the rehab of the Route 39 water tank. The preliminary repair figure is $100,000.00 and this would extend the life of the tank for approximately 3 years. The money could be requested from the stabilization fund. The repairs could be added to the present contract with a change order. It was also discussed whether the rate increase could pay for the improvements to the tank. Superintendent Wiegand stated this would be the cleanest way to do it. The design could be added into the construction phase as well, as this is common in the water industry, and Bond Counsel would possibly go along with this. Per Mr. Melville a town meeting could be called for the fall to request the funding for the tank rehab. Mr. Wiegand said the figures for the change order could be available as early as today, so an earlier date of August 11th could be set for town meeting.
Superintendent's Report given by Mr. Wiegand.
A letter of recognition from the Department of Environmental Protection was read by Superintendent Wiegand. The Harwich Water Department has placed in the top 10 departments in the State.
Mr. Wiegand also suggested that the 30 year capital improvement plan have an ad-hoc committee made up of people from other boards and the general public. Geoff Wiegman should be considered to be asked to join this committee. As well as a member of the Finance Committee.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 AM.
Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent