Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman, Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Senior Administrative Assistant Deborah Fuller.
The meeting was called to order at 8:24 AM by Chairman Bates.
1. Mrs. Dubois - This is regarding an insurance claim dispute against the Water Department. She claims that when she hit an area in the road where the Department had recently been working, the molding came off the passenger side of her windshield and also damaged her heater. The Board stated that while they sympathize with her, it is not something they could help her with. MGL C84 S15 prevents them from paying for vehicle damage caused by unrepaired roads. Mrs. Dubois stated that she was going to seek legal help.
2. Keith Zewiey - Even though Mr. Zewiey did not attend the meeting, the Board of Water Commissioners discussed the situation in full. It was found that the meter had been removed and a spacer bar had been put in place. Mrs. Gonsalves made a motion to impose a meter tampering charge of $200.00, a new meter charge of $250.00, and a minimum water usage charge. The motion was seconded by George Cavanaugh. Unanimous vote to approve.
3. Leo Yuskus of Haley & Ward explained that due to the weather conditions the company (HROMA) working on the tanks is behind schedule. The Route 39 tank is in worse condition than previously thought, and it was determined that the previous contractor had painted over many areas that needed work. Because of that, the rust continued to eat at the metal under the paint. The catwalk and clevis pins of sway bars have serious metal loss, as well as metal loss in the legs of the tank. Mr. Wiegand is requesting a yearly maintenance program on all the tanks, so as to extend the life of each one. Leo Yuskus discussed a couple of different options the Board could take.
Option #1: Modify existing contract by:
1. Remove entire lower level catwalk and existing ladder and cage instead of repairing.
2. Install new stainless steel ladder and cage 12 ft. above ground surface to mid-bowl catwalk.
3. Prepare and inspect location of suspected corrosion.
4. Repair most critical area.
Note: No matter whether we do this work or not, there will be an additional cost.
Option #2: Modify existing contract by:
1. Reduce the amount of work to that which is only absolutely necessary.
2. Prepare a new contract for complete tank rehabilitation (cost approximately $900,000).
George Cavanaugh suggested contacting Town Counsel to see if we have a recourse against the previous contractor. Mr. Wiegand recommended that we rehab the tank totally, and then continue with a maintenance program. It was questioned whether this should be a separate bond, or combined with the new tank.
The Commissioners could not approve any modifications of the contract without knowing how much more damage needs to be tended to. They also need a more concrete number in order to go to Finance Committee for emergency funding.
Note: Mr. Wiegand stated we should also start upgrading equipment in our Treatment facilities, including pumping stations.
Minutes of meeting on May 6, 2003, approved.
Service applications signed for:
1. 943 Route 39
2. 275 Bells Neck Road Extension
3. 24 Juniper Lane
4. 1 Arbutus Avenue
5. 32 Old Carriage Drive
Vernal pool monitoring agreement was approved and signed by Board.
Bill schedules signed as presented.
Superintendent's report.
At the last Planning Board meeting they stated that they wanted to work with the Water Department, especially on the installation of water mains in newly proposed sub-divisions. That Board also stated that the Water Department needs to be firmer in their requests as to what is required for installation of water. The Board of Water Commissioners requested a copy of the minutes of the Planning Board so they can review them.
Reorganization of the Board: George Cavanaugh made a motion that the Board maintain status quo. Danette Gonsalves seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve.
Mr. Wiegand suggested that he and members of the Board take turns attending the Selectmen's meetings (and also other Boards) so as to open the lines of communication.
Mr. Cavanaugh suggested that this Board invite the Police, Fire, and Highway Departments to a presentation and round-table discussion. There should be two presentations - one for Town agencies, and another for committees.
Meeting adjourned at 9:38 AM.
Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Deborah Fuller, Sr. Adm. Asstnt.