Commissioner Meeting Minutes 05/06/2003

Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr, Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol Connor.

Meeting called to order at 8:15 AM by Chairman Bates.

Minutes of public hearing on April 15, 2003, reviewed and revised to show billing to be twice per year. Motion made by Danette Gonsalves to approve the minutes as corrected. George Cavanaugh seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve.

Bill schedules signed as presented.

Service applications signed for:

1. 26 Moss Hill Road
2. 14 Lakewood Drive
3. 3 Chapel Hill Lane
4. 39 Bell Brook Lane
5. 9 Shangri-La Drive
6. 9 Buttonwood Road

Abatements signed for services #1109, 1581, 145, 4373, and 1210.

Update on well repairs given by Superintendent Wiegand. The supplier sent the wrong pumps, and is now in the process of sending the correct ones. Two wells are affected, but will be back on line by Friday.

The flushing program is approximately 50% completed, and will continue through June (overtime permitting). The seasonal turn-on's are nearly complete with less than 100 left to go. Also, a list of hydrants is being compiled so gate valves can be put on all of them.

A presentation of the Water Master Plan Study was given by Mark White of Environmental Partners. The last master plan was a 20 year plan done in 1967. The population has grown from 2,500 to over 12,000, and the number of services is now over 9,500. Pumping is estimated to go from 1.77 million gallons average and 5.80 million gallons maximum per day now up to 2.50 million gallons average and 7.25 million gallons maximum per day in the year 2020.

The Water Department currently has good conservation measures in place at this time. Also unaccounted for water is between 3.0 to 5.8% which is extremely good. Anything under 10% is considered a tight system according to the standards set by the State. Current demands are being met by the existing water supply. The prime well fields are in good shape, and an ongoing maintenance program will insure their viability, however, any problem would have a dramatic impact on the distribution supply. New source investigations should be first looked at on town owned property, and proximity to any existing treatment and distribution system. Seven sites have been looked at in various parts of town, and all met DEP site screening. Site 'A' (North Harwich) seems to be the best area and initiating DEP permitting is recommended.

Storage can meet peak hour demands through 2015. Fire flow conditions are a slight deficit. Storage cannot meet maximum day demands at this time. A proposed storage tank site would be in East Harwich. The Department can possibly get another 10 to 15 years from the Route 39 tank.

The distribution system is mainly smaller cast iron pipes which need upgrading to improve pressures and fire flow availability.

Upcoming projects Allen Street and Pleasant Street distribution upgrades. Hydrant and gate valve replacements, and replacing 2 mains. Also need to start radio read meter installations.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 AM.

Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary

posted: 05/06/03