Commissioners Meeting Minutes 04/03/2003

Present: Chairman Donald Bates, Jr, Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Town Administrator Wayne Melville, Secretary Carol M. Connor

The meeting was called to order at 9:10 AM.

Superintendent Wiegand proposed that the Board of Water Commissioners hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 5:00 PM to amend the water rate charges.

A discussion was held regarding raising the rates to fund a new water tank. This should not go to an override vote per Mr. Melville as there is always a chance it could be defeated. It would be better to put money in stabilization through an article and the first years payment could come out of the stabilization and the following years could be paid from water revenues. Money could stay in the stabilization fund for one year and the interest stays with it per Mr. Melville. There is also the choice of making a double payment the first year. Per Mr. Wiegand the $350,000 figure was based on a 30 year bond.

The Board needs to be sure everything is in place for this upcoming meeting per Mr. Cavanaugh. Wayne Melville explained that it is too late to submit an article for this town meeting, but there is a customary article for stabilization and it can be amended to include the approximate $350,000 for the water tank. Mr. Melville stated that they would be willing to do that for the Board. There is a huge need to do upgrades to the water system, and there seems to be a lot of public support for this as well.

Motion made by George Cavanaugh to hold a public hearing on April 15, 2003, at 5 PM to discuss and vote on water rate increases. Danette Gonsalves seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.

Motion made by George Cavanaugh to ask the Selectmen to request an amendment of $357,875.00 to be placed in the stabilization fund for a new water tank. Danette Gonsalves seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.

Motion made by George Cavanaugh to authorize Superintendent Wiegand to meet with the Town Administrator to go over the amendment and the proposed budget. Danette Gonsalves seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.

Meeting adjourned at 9:55 AM.

Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary

posted: 04/03/03